Hello and welcome!
Greetings on the webpage of Attacque Supérior, an OpenRA mod with Yuri's Revenge roots, aiming to bring the craziest iteration of said game to your PC.Although the site is still under work-in-progress, as you might have realized it, it already gives you hints towards what you can expect at a later stage.
Feel free bugging us on the forum/ModDB/Facebook, wherever you desire.
Welcome and enjoy your stay.
Rejuvenation Supérior!
Hello everyone, my name is Graion Dilach - you can call me simply as Graion - and I am here to deliver the residual SWR-hosted newcomer project, Attacque Supérior's 2015 progress report. To put it bluntly - talk about the greatest challenge this 5 year old project faced.
In early summer 2015, Attacque Supérior successfully switched engines and left Yuri's Revenge/Ares for good in favor of OpenRA. (Many thanks to Astor of Crystallized Doom for actually initiating the process) While the conversion isn't completed at the moment, and probably won't be for a good while now, the changes have already led AS into a path of constant evolution, pushing boundaries and reinventing gameplay.
In the current beta build, Allies, Soviets and the Freedom Confederates have already been restored, with Pacted probably following them. Yuri and Oppressors will have to wait - the first one due to requiring major features to be recoded before usable, the latter due it's gameplay style still being redesigned from the ground up.
In this newspost I'll be talking about the potential hidden in the codebase. Attacque Supérior will have it's own unique codebase working and maintained alongside with the OpenRA main code/repository. This is a feature of OpenRA's - mods created/run by capable modders can code their own features and include them as a third-party plugin, which can be included just like any asset by the mod. Attacque Supérior will definitely (ab)use this feature, due to many reasons, from not relying on other third party dependencies (like the WIP RA2 mod), and allowing to prioritize/feature logics the base games (ie. any Westwood-made C&C) doesn't have/fit, for example, a planned feature for Pacted will be the Generals US pilot-system with it's salvageable veterancy system, with the "engine support" technically being placed into the AS codebase.

Chrono Miner evading an airburst missile. Just another day in many RA2 mod gameplays.
What makes this feature newspostworthy even now that AS will not sit on this codebase privately. You can already track - albeit a bit lousy - it on https://github.com/GraionDilach/OpenRA.Mods.AS and - if you're an OpenRA modder - even use this code in your OpenRA project, provided you actually get to compile it - an example to set it up will always be provided in my OpenRA repository - https://github.com/GraionDilach/OpenRA. Keep in mind that the AS codebase is provided as-is and might not fully compliant with the OpenRA guidelines.
Another drastic change as a followup of the above turned up to be the move of the whole AS project from C&C Guild. While Revora, the association behind C&C Guild was a great place and great start for projects like AS, the scattered community and the sheer size always resulted with an abandoned feel for AS. This, as well as Revora's choice of separating C&C Online entirely from C&C Guild implied to me that the Guild is a legacy of his own, one which has no long-term chance to shine again. At first I didn't even intended to pop up on SWR, but honestly speaking, SWR is a friendly place where I do feel I belong to for a while now. And I'm happy I could join.
Another newspost will come later to talk about what changes the factions themselves received due to the engine change. But there's also a different option.
Yes, you see it right, after a year of absence AS returns to the channel of Hecthor Doomhammer, bringing back the crazyness in full time! We're hoping to actually maintain the monthly streams this time though.

We're also opening up tester positions for now, since now that we're through the first hiccups, we could use some fresh insight to evolve further. A requirement will be a Skype account you're willing to share besides an SWR account ofcourse.
The 2016 roadmap so far has the Pacted rejuvenation, working on missing RA2/Ares/AS features and whatever knocks in. We'll see what that'll be.
Everyone, have a supérior year, Graion out.